欢迎来到Xxr.Me #
Skills #
- Python
- Go
- Node
- HTML / JavaScript / CSS
Link #
- Email: netcsk@qq.com
- GitHub: netPokey
- Blog: xxr.me
收藏夹 #
- VsCodeForMe: 在线vscode
- AlistForMe: 挂载了阿里和夸克网盘
- API 接口管理工具: API Manager
- MinDoc文档管理系统: MinDoc 接口文档在线管理系统https://www.iminho.me/
- coze AI: cozeAI gpt4
- github-style: A hugo theme, design by github.
- river: Judger sandbox for Online Judge.
- newbie-sandbox: A safe, fast and stable linux program runtime.
- remote-chrome-crawler: Node parallel crawler framework.
- apue: 《 Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment 》 exercise answers and code notes.
- recent_contests: Recent Contests from frequently used OJs.
- birdzhang博客:一个利用rk3588研究自动驾驶的大佬